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Forum » Development » GetImage.ashx returns error 500, in Dynamicweb Admin (9.16.4)

GetImage.ashx returns error 500, in Dynamicweb Admin (9.16.4)

Hreinn Agustsson
/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?Width=480&crop=0&image=/Files/Files/Add%20a%20heading%20(2).png - will return 500
If the file does not exist then it returns a 404 - so it's finding the file.
The error returned is


Im unable to debug into Dynamicweb.Admin - are the pdb files available somewhere ?

Nothing shows up in the logs

Request headers:
Accept: image/png
Response Headers:
Cache-Control: private
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2024 07:57:04 GMT


(Sorry for the formatting - the editor is having fun :)


Hreinn Agustsson

Found the error by setting,

<httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" /> in web.config (under <system.webServer>) 

Unable to load DLL 'ImageGlue7-64.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)


Kevin Steffer
Kevin Steffer

Depending on how you deploy to your environment - if you've installed Dynamciweb via Nuget, the ImageGlue7-32.dll and ImageGlue7-64.dll have to be manuelly set to be part of your Build Output.

Hreinn Agustsson

Yes - remember this already from when I first setup - one thing that could be improved is the error logging for this issue, 

Would have been great to see it in the system/logs somewhere.

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Hreinn

Depending on your IIS settings, the stack will be send or not.

You can see the the full error if you configure your IIS to return it - set error mode to detailed and ensure it is not locked to local machine only:

An example of the settings your are looking for

        <httpErrors errorMode="Detailed" />
        <asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true"/>
        <customErrors mode="Off"/>
        <compilation debug="true"/>

Also the exception of GetImage can be found inside Dynamicweb event viewer

And if you have full access to the server, you can also see it in Windows event viewer

As Kevin stated, it could be a missing dll. But it can also be missing permissions to the temp folder. If you are running locally you can try to change the IIS App Pool user to localsystem or networkservice which have elevated privelliges.

BR Nicolai


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