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Forum » CMS - Standard features » User manuals for downloads, which feature should I use?

User manuals for downloads, which feature should I use?

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

My client would like to share user manuals for some products for their customers. These user manuals should not be linked to a spesific product (may also contain user manuals for outdated products), but offered as a search in file content and if there is a hit, display the files in a list. The amount of files are appx 400 at this point.

I've looked into whitepaper, but that is not what I want. At least not with the registration and subscription part.

Key features: file content search and/or file metadata search, display file list when there is a match. No registration required

Please advice.

Best wishes.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Siv

You can use the file publishing module to publish list of files. If you are on a Rapido, find it here:

If not on Rapido find information here:

If you want to provide file based searches, you can implement a FileIndex: or use the search weighted app:

If you want to index the contents of PDF files using the fileindex builder, that requires some coding. See this thread:

BR Nicolai


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