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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Product feeds
Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

My webshop customer would like product feeds to various services, such as 

  • Kelkoo
  • Google Shopping (identisk med Facebook-feed)
  • Prisjakt
  • Shoppello
  • Prisguide
  • Facebook feed (markedsføringsøyemed)

How do I activate these services?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Siv

You have 2 options. If you have a solution with pim, you can use the channels and a template that published in those formats.

If not you can use a page that uses a template that publishes the feed you need. But you need templates to do it.

A guide for publishing Google Merchant feed can be found here:

Same approach for the other feed types you need.

BR Nicolai


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