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Email marketing scheduled send

Bjørn Kamfjord

Hi. I trying to implement an "abondoned cart" campaing, per this setup.

But , I'm having trouble making the scheduled send actually sending emails.

For testing I tried to set it up on regular campaign, that works when I use the "send now" option, but when I try to send it at specific time, it will not send at all...

Regarding the abondoned cart functinality, is it possible to see how many reciepients the campaing will be sent to at any given moment?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Bjørn

In order to scheduled mails to work, you also have to make sure the scheduler is setup in Settings->scheduled tasks in Dynamicweb (see dump) and you have to make sure the scheduled task service has been setup on your server. See this: or this if hosting on Azure:

If you host at us in our Cloud or at Hostnordic, you can contact our service desk to check out the setup for you.

BR Nicolai

Bjørn Kamfjord

The scheduler is working like a charm. I Get "normal" scheduled emails.

Althoug I'm a bit confused on how it calculates time... It sends at relativly random times... But this is probarly some configuration I need to do...

The "abondoned cart" mails are stille not sending though. But I'm not sure if it's because the scheduler is not working or if it is the provider not finding any carts.

How can I "create" an abandond cart for testing, or see all the abandoned carts?


Bjørn Kamfjord

OK: New update, the email is sent, but the list is empty, eg. there is no products in my abandoned cart:

I have tested the template with the test mode and the email is rendered properly with products from my cart.

But the email is empty?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hm - hard to tell. Would have to take a look at the solution and setup. You would have to contact the service desk to get further into this.

Also remember that as of tomorrow with the new GDPR abondoned carts for anonymous users probably requires a consent.

BR Nicolai

Nay Chi Phyo Dynamicweb Employee
Nay Chi Phyo


My problem here is my schedule abandoned emails are sent out to one user without limitation. 

I had abandoned schedule to run every 5 minutes. Then, I make one abandoned cart and I received not only 1 abandoned email but also, many emails after every 5 minutes.

So, I just want to confirm that can we make sure not to sent another abandoned mails if 1st email is already sent to that user?

Please let me know if I missed out some configuration there.

Best Regards,


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Naychi

Please refer to the docs - see the examples in the bottom:

When you define a cart to be abandoned after i.e. 2 hours and ignore carts in that flow older than 3 hours, there will be a difference of 1 hour (60 minutes). So if you schedule abandoned carts every 5 minutes, it will send out that email 60/5 = 12 times before the cart is ignored.

So you should have your scheduling repeat to be equal to or higher than the difference between "Mark abandoned after" and "Ignore carts older than".

So if you mark carts as abandoned after 2 hours and ignore carts older than 3 hours, you repeat on the schedule task should be 1 hour - 3hours-2hours.

BR Nicolai

Nancy Morano Dynamicweb Employee
Nancy Morano

Thanks Nicolai,

We have been doing a good bit of work on Abandoned Carts recently so we’ve been following some of these threads. As part of that effort we found that we weren’t seeing duplicate emails and we were confused by that. Then we found this in the logs while testing: 

Are we interpreting the logs correctly to mean that DW is indeed taking into account unique recipients?  (It shows a recipient being removed due to "uniqueness constraint".)

Thank you.

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Nancy

Thank you for your post. I cannot read the info in your screen.

But email marketing will alsways look at the recipients of one sending to ensure the same user is not targeted several times in that sending round. But if abandoned is sending every 5 minutes and include the same cart 12 times during that hour, that will not be the same recipient in one sending, but 12 sendings with the same recipient.

BR Nicolai

Nancy Morano Dynamicweb Employee
Nancy Morano

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you for your follow-up comment.  Much appreciated.

We have continued with our Abandoned Cart Email testing and have discovered that there is a Recipient Setting feature to "ensure unique recipients" as shown here:

So, it does appear that there is some logic as part of the Advanced settings in the Email Marketing to check if the recipient already received an email to determine uniqueness --  therefore, not sending duplicate emails for the same cart.  

Take care,

Nancy Morano


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