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Google Maps markerimage

Harald Brouwers


A question to which I couldnt find the answer in the doc's.

I want to use a custom marker image in the DW maps module:

But I cant figure out in which folder these images should be placed, I tried:

  • \Files\Templates\Designs\projectname\maps\templates\markerimage\
  • \Files\Templates\Designs\projectname\maps\templates\markers\
  • \Files\Templates\Designs\projectname\maps\templates\

But none seem to work. Where do I place these marker images?


Harald Brouwers


Kim Hansen

Looks like DW forgot to insert the file selectors :)

In DW8 there was a button.


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Harald,

I've created new TFS 43035 to add file selector to the controls, will be fixed on a further DW93 hotfixes/release. Use temporary workaround to select an images via current controls (if you have access to file system where your solution is deployed on): you can place your images to 'Files' folder of you solution  (that it is mapped to IIS  - top folder of DW folders FIle, Images etc.). Images should be of JPG or PNG format only.

BR, Oleg QA

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