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Auto stop impersonate when new impersonate occur

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi guys,


I have a list of users that i can impersonate that is basically a bunch of anchors with href like "DWExtranetSecondaryUserSelector=<ID>".


When i start to impersonate some user i still can select the others. The issue is when i use "DWExtranetSecondaryUserSelector=<ID>" when i'm impersonating the feature not always works. It seems that the DW try to see if the impersonated user can impersonate this user and do not allow it.


To fix this i need to stop the impersonation (DwExtranetRemoveSecondaryUser=1) and then go to select the new user i want.


Is this the right behaviour? Shouldn't the system always impersonate the main user?




António Ramos


Oleg Rodionov

Hi António,


Nowadays the ability is not provided, we have to stop current impersonation to apply new one, the feature will be implemented with new TFS 25846 created, planned release of the fix - 891.



BR, Oleg

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Oleg,


I noticed that this feature was not published in 8.9.1.


Can you tell me when it's due? We have a website to go live in a month or so and we were waiting on it, to avoid developing a workaround if we don't need to.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Nuno

It is - it was just not on the public list. And it is not even a code change, but simply a template update. See attached new template.

BR Nicolai

Nuno Aguiar

Hi NIcolai,


First of all, thank you. I tried rerunning the updates but did not get the templates updated.


Anyhow I tried with the template you provided, but did not work as I expected.

And I tracked down why. We are using the impersonation mode to "Replace current user with impersonated user" (which is what we do with 100% of our implementations of this feature). When I switched to "Only tag orders with impersonating user" it worked


Can you repro the problem?


Best Regards,


Oleg Rodionov

Hi Nuno,

I've tested 891:

1. The new template can be get via rerunning the updates successfully, uploaded template is the same as one provided by Nicolai. Number of the updates.xml.aspx should not be higher than 966 (I've used 960). Place of the template - /Templates/UserManagement/Login (keep it in your mind if you use specific design uses Extranet module)

2. Yup, the second issue is reproduced, I've created new TFS 28538 to fix it urgent and provide with nearest hotfix. If template will be changed only then I'll upload it here directly.


BR, Oleg  QA

Nuno Aguiar

Hi Oleg,


1. I tested this again and using 8.9.1, and having templates upgrades enabled, this did not work for me. Another thing is that based on the update log, the folder was file C:\Domains\Sites\\Files\Templates\UserManagement\Login\LoginWithImpersonation.htmlIt would have made sense to be in Extranet.


2. Great, thanks.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar 

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Nuno

The problem TFS#28538 "Ability to set new impersonation without stopping current one doesn't work with full impersonation" has now been fixed in version

You are able to find this build in the download section:

Please contact Dynamicweb Support if you need any additional help regarding this.

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt


Votes for this answer: 1
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Kristian,


Thank you. We'll do that today.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


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