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Verifying Pinterest field not working?
Hi DW, When using this field: I suppose it would create the necessary meta tag in the head section of the site for Pinterest to verify the site. But nothing is showing in the head section, I have tested this on a demo shop 1.19. ...
Martin Ottesen
15/03/2023 10:49:41
Last post: 15/03/2023 15:10:31
Swift styles are lost sometimes
Hi, I have a challenge. I have a Swift site in 1.12.0 and in a webfarm with 8 nodes (DW 9.14.10) Almost daily the Swift_styles_{AreaId}.min.css files gets broken and we need to make a simple change before rendering the Branding/Themes page to have it ...
Nuno Aguiar
14/03/2023 19:52:55
Last post: 07/09/2023 10:31:38
Swift Themes not considering Bootstrap Switches and Radio Buttons
Hi, DW 9.15.3 Swift 1.19.0 When we try to render switches based on bootstrap documentation they render as following (No theme selected for paragraph) It seems the checked and not checked ...
Pedro Meias
09/03/2023 16:27:55
Last post: 13/03/2023 12:27:27
Search url
Hi Swift team, Swift 1.19 Template: Swift_SearchField.cshtml The search result page does not have a pretty url and it's because of this parameter: redirect=false What is it used for? Example: With "redirect": http://skabertrang.swift.dy ...
Suzi Louring
09/03/2023 13:09:39
Last post: 09/03/2023 14:56:35
Variant dropdown and default value
Hi Swift team, Thank you for the new product variant selector :) DW: 9.15.2, Swift: 1.19.0 How can I insert a default value for variant dropdowns? ...
Suzi Louring
08/03/2023 14:49:22
Last post: 08/03/2023 16:52:43
Back in stock notification on a swift 1.16
Hi, I'm about to implement a back in stock notification at a swift 1.16. Is it possible to follow below guide on a swift? The template ex. uses templatetags. A ...
Søren Jakobsen
08/03/2023 12:42:28
Last post: 17/03/2023 15:30:40
Variant selector and pretty urls.
Hello, I have a standard Dynamicweb / swift solution and I've added a variant selector. But I'm encountering some issues when selecting the variants. When I get to the product detail list the page and url looks like this When I pick the first ...
Jack Hagedorn
08/03/2023 10:11:32
Last post: 08/03/2023 14:25:09
Product edit component, rows undeneath edit header with many specifications
Hello, I have a product detail card that show around 20 specs. This causes the rows definitions to be undeneath the "Component builder for: ..." message This makes it hard (or somtimes impossible with multiple columns) to use the visual edi ...
Justin Sjouw
07/03/2023 15:55:27
Last post: 23/05/2023 12:33:00
Justin Sjouw
07/03/2023 15:37:34
Last post: 07/03/2023 15:38:49
Swift – img-srcset is inconsistent.
It can be difficult to recreate; Try adjusting the screen size a few times and refresh afterwards, it gives a different srcset size from time to time. Attached images are from exactly the same browser width, but one gives a blurred image, and the oth ...
Mads Poulsen
06/03/2023 16:17:22
Last post: 07/03/2023 08:40:30
Prioritizing product by product name in search result
Dear Forum, I would like to get some advice on the search result whether we can prioritize when displaying products in the search result list. Currently we are using Swift and when customer keying in the search keyword (for eg., "Essence")  ...
Yoon Peti Nwe
03/03/2023 06:30:18
Last post: 06/03/2023 10:44:35
Swift vs Rapido
Hi Hopefully honestness is allowed and appreciated, since that is the only forward for a better product in all. We are currently running a website based on Rapido 3.4. To be perfectly honest, Rapido is a nightmare to customize and maintain. There are ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
01/03/2023 12:40:24
Last post: 01/03/2023 14:49:58
My customers list different results based on group impersonation
Hi there, We are experiencing different behavior in the My Customers list when managing a customer depending on how the impersonation selection is made - group vs user level. Not sure if this a Swift (Lucene query) issue or a platform issue on how da ...
Mario Santos
28/02/2023 17:08:31
Last post: 06/03/2023 09:49:04
Add input fields to row settings
Hi, We're currently running swift 1.17 and im trying to add input fields for visual editor, so that we can set custom classes to rows. When editing the row item_type i cant find the groups "PUBLICATION PERIOD" & "ACCESSIBILITY& ...
24/02/2023 10:47:29
Last post: 07/03/2023 08:33:12
Product numbers with special characters
Hello. I have seen few solutions where we have products with comma, dot, white-space and some other characters in product numbers. Because of that, there are 2 Swift features which doesn't work: "Add to favorites list" button and " ...
Didzis Kuzmans
22/02/2023 10:51:27
Last post: 17/05/2023 19:03:01
Stock details from the correct stock location
I have an issue with getting the correct stock listed on product list and page. Its setup the same way as product prices, where i do get the customer specific price (using customer number as key). But for stock it seems to just take the first availab ...
Anders Thoresen
21/02/2023 11:55:50
Last post: 10/05/2023 10:24:27
Email summary is not showing correct email detail information
Dear Forum, I would like to report that Abandond cart email summary is not showing correct email detail information for recipents user. We are currently using Swift version (9.13.12).Please refer below images. Hoping to get the advice soonest from yo ...
Nang Ei Ei Aung
21/02/2023 08:50:26
Last post: 21/02/2023 13:16:28
Multi column pages
Hi guys, We have faced a few situations where we had to handle pages with 2 columns (one sidebar for Navigation) and one for content, where you should be able to add multiple rows and columns (mainly for the content part but sometimes also for the si ...
Adrian Ursu
16/02/2023 13:05:26
Last post: 17/07/2023 12:57:28
Website setting default value
Hi, If I create a new website setting, ie TestCount, as int32 and set the default value to 30 and save it and close, the website setting is not set by the default value, it's 0. Website setting: In cshtml I can get the website setting value with: ...
Johan Lang
03/02/2023 11:13:02
Last post: 06/02/2023 09:52:13
Swift Products Image Pattern not working for png
Dear Support, I would like to report one issue where the png images are not showing properly in the proudct list, detail and cart pages. Our customer is having a mix of jpg and png product images and I had experienced that Image Pattern can fulfill t ...
Yoon Peti Nwe
03/02/2023 06:37:49
Last post: 03/02/2023 11:13:34