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Updating custom address field in front end

Bjørn Ingebrigtsen

I have a custom address field and I want to be able to update this field on the front end. I am able to display the data, but for saving, what should the field name be for the system to pick it up? Or do I have to subscribe to a notification?
On the AddAddress.cshtml page, I can get the value like this:


where AccessUserAddress_PuljeO is the system name of the custom field. I have tried all combinations for "name" on the input element, but the system does not change the value on submit.
I have used a similar setup for custom order line fields, and it saves to the cart without any extra code. 

Is this possible?


Shiwanka Chathuranga

try this


This should render html

use this to find other tags @TemplateTags()

Bjørn Ingebrigtsen

I am able to retrieve the custom value with the code I posted but what I am unable to do is to post/update the value, because I do not know what the name of the input field should be.



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