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Files and folders, renaming, uploading, linking

Siv-Renate Hansen
Siv-Renate Hansen

I have a client that uploads pdf files to the file structure in Dynamicweb and links them to a product using the link selector.

However, if my client changes name of the referencing folder (which they did), it results in loads of 404 errors due to name change in folder names.

To my knowledge of the link selector (core DW functionality), the link provided is a text string, and could just as easily just have been written by typing. I've also concluded that there is no reference of the folder in question in the link.

I would like to propose a change in this feature: I would like the link to be a reference instead of text, so that if the underlying folder is renamed or moved, the link would still reflect this.

Now my client has 500+ links they have to update manually.

I would also like the underlying link to folders be url friendly too. For example: my client's folder (readable) namem is "Datablad - produktbeskrivelser", which in DW is translated to Datablad%20-%20produktbeskrivelser. Is it possible to encode this as datablad_-_produktbeskrivelser insted and keep the readable name in the admin file structure?

And third, I would like if the uploader changes the filename of the uploaded file upon upload, from a file with spaces in it to a file that does not generate validaton errors (w3c/html), so that the name "an image file with loads of spaces and some norewegian characters as æ.jpg" is translated into something without spaces and norwegian characters.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Siv-Renate

You can ensure files do not have spaces and æøå in them by using the attached settings, dump 1. That will ensure names are changed when uploaded using Dynamicweb upload feature.

The change of file and folder links to be indirect references instead of direct references is major change - so that is not coming up any time soon.

Having spaces in folders is not an issue as such - and they should be 'legal'. Dynamicweb cannot rewrite %20 to _ runtime - you will have to ensure that in the file structure.

It is possible with some technical skills to use the database replacer tool in Dynamicweb to update the references when renaming, see dump 2.

Capture.JPG Capture2.JPG
Siv-Renate Hansen
Siv-Renate Hansen

When the client doesn't have the settings from the control panel, is this due to a too old DW version? (9.4.3)

Nicolai Pedersen

Probably... It was an old 8.* feature that was removed and then re-introduced in later Dynamicweb 9


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