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Possibility to tie default shipping and payment to shop

Martin Ottesen
Martin Ottesen

Hi DW, 

We have a situation where we want to tie the default shipping method to the shop, or at least be able to choose two different default shipping methods depending on which shop you the customer is shopping on.

Do you have any suggestions as to how we could do this?

The reason is, that the customer already has a shop established and is now creating a new concept, shipping out from a different place than the original shop, and without any of the rules tied to the current shipping methods, and therefore we would like to be able to use another shipping method as default, so one is chosen when the customer is checking out. 

Maybe this can be set up with standard validation, so the user cannot go any further without choosing a shipping method.

In a 1.23 swift, I am also able to remove the default shipping, and then continue "Without" a shipping method.
However, when I do so the default shipping method has been chosen "UPS" without being a possibility.



Kind Regards



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Martin

On the cart settings you can define which shippings to include - I guess you know that


On website settings you set default delivery country which controls the default shipping method, I guess you know that.

You might be able to use the shipping fee rules on the shipping:

It will react to the shop and then if you have a fee, use that to determine if a fee rule is applicable.

Problem is to set default shipping for a cart before going the the cart page - I guess that is what you want?

But I think using some of the above settings and a notification subscriber you can get the logic to set the right one when a cart is created based on the shop context.

Martin Ottesen
Martin Ottesen

Hi Nicolai, 

Being able to set a default shipping before the checkout would be great, and that would probably come as a result of being able to set a default shipping on a shop, I'm not sure what would overrule, the default shipping on the shop or country. 

But in this case, the main objective, for now, is to not allow the user to checkout without choosing one of the available shipping methods chosen for that shop. I don't know if it's possible to do this with validation, there is this "Shipping method ID" Which I would imagine means that the checkout needs a shipping method to continue, but because the checkout sees that the order technically has the "default" shipping method already applied, I don't think it validates that a shipping method has been chosen on the shipping step in the checkout? Does that make sense?

Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Yup, and that is how it validates. You can remove default shipping for the countries - then the shipping has to be set in the checkout if you add the validation.

But it is country which defines what shipping method you can use and which is default - and adding default shipping to a shop would not make a lot of sense - because that would not work if you are shipping to a country where that shipping is not active.

So removing default shippings all together and add validation on the cart instances is the built in way to get where you want - or add a bit of template logic to help the user on its way.

The 'propblem' with removing default shipping is that shipping cost cannot bee seen in the cart total before checkout. But that might not be an issue.


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