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Standard shipping selected by default

Kasper Legarth


We have made a webshop for a customer it is B2B, so about 90% of the time the "Standard shipping" is being used. Is there a way to set it as "default shipping" so it is selected on all new orders? So the customer only has to pick something in shipping if they don't want the standard.

Kind regards
Kasper Legarth


Rasmus Sanggaard Dynamicweb Employee
Rasmus Sanggaard
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Kasper,

You can select a default shipping method in Settings -> Ecommerce -> Internationalization -> Countries. 

Best regards
Rasmus Sanggaard

Votes for this answer: 1
Kasper Legarth

Thanks alot. Just what i needed. :) 


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