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Import translations

Michael Knudsen

Hello forum,

- running a DW9.10.10 solution where we have added some new languages and exported all products in the Dynamicweb structured Excel format.  The problem occures when we try to import the Excel, because it's not possible to import data to a certain language, if the products hasn't been 'saved' with that language.

Is there any easy solution to this problem?

Br. Michael Knudsen


Morten Snedker Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Snedker
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Michael,

This is purely by design. The PIM section was never meant to be a "product creator", but merely a "product enricher" when it comes to importing product data. So you must ensure that your products exist on beforehand in the languages applicable, before exporting/importing language specific data via PIM.

As I am not aware of the business process of the solution in question, I cannot provide any meaningful suggestion as how to work around the problem at hand.

Best regards

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