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Search in PIM lists

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

Now that I have started working a bit more intensive with the PIM, I have noticed a"strange" behavior of the search in lists.

It seems that the search is case sensitive. This is a bit weird considering that the search in Ecommerce is case insensitive.

I am using DW 9.9.2. Is this a known issue? Have I misconfigured anything?

Thank you,



Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Adrian,

I've tested the issue with PIM product lists output by query, groups or all products on DW9.9.2 and was not able to catch it using either 'Limied fields' or 'All fields' option in the search. Please, specify your case failed. Thanks.

BR, Oleg QA  

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Oleg,

I have attached 2 screenshots.

I have searched by "capri". The expected behaviour was to get 2 results. The products in question had "Capri" in the name and "CAPRI" in the product number.

You will see that searching by "Capri" or "CAPRI" will return the expected results but "capri" does not return anything.

Solution is 9.9.2 and you can find it at

Update: I have tried it using "All fields" and it seems to return results. But it might be because of some of the product custom fields. This behavior seems to require a bit of context. What does "Limited fields" mean in the above context? I would expect to have ProductName and ProductNumber in the Limited fields already which means that the problem is still valid.

Thank you,

PIM-search-lowercase.png PIM-search-uppercase.png
Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Adrian,

I think it's because you have set "Indexing Schema-extender", to not analyze default fields .. (See below)

You can fix it in this way ..

- Remove that "check-mark", and go to "Product Index"...

- Press "Save" and run the Index builder ..

Then I'm sure it would work for you.



Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Soren,

Thank you very much for your response.

I was not aware of the impact of that option upon the internal search.

To be honest it is a bit unclear how they are tied together. This means that it is mandatory to keep the default index name to be Products.index in order to have the search working?

How is this setup in case I have a separate PIM index? Which one is queried for PIM section and which one for the Ecommerce section?

I have made the change and rerun both indexes: PIM and Products. Same outcome.

And looking at the PIM index (which I believe is used in my case because I am searching in a Query) the ProductNumber does not seem to be analyzed even if I set the "Do not analyze default fields" to False.I suppose I should set it manually to be indexed? How do I do that? Should I just remove the field and add it again with the same name? Should I create another one? IS there any way to control what is included in the "Limited fields" option?

Thank you,


Søren Jensen Dynamicweb Employee
Søren Jensen

Hi Adrian,

As mentioned in my answer .. "Press save and the run Index build" .. I have done it on the "decocenter" solution, and it works now.

Also also look at my answer on the other Forum link .. set "Update index" on Warehouse .. and I think you should use the Product.index for both PIM and Ecommerce.

That would be easyer for you.


Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Soren,

Thank you. It is weird. I have tried all the steps twice :)

I am glad that it works.

Ok. I will follow your advice and use Product.index for both Products and PIM sections.

Thank you,



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