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StockUnit adjustment on correct stock location

Reynir Viðar Ingason

Hello there,


I have configured this( test environment in such a way that I expect the quantity on the stock unit associated to stock location 13 to be updated when a product is sold.
That does not happen though. I.e. the quantity for the stock location(in EcomStockUnit) is not updated, neither is the stock on the product changed.

The stock locations are imported via integration with ls omni. When I go to settings > ecommerce > product catalog > stock locations I don't see the stock locations that were imported.

The stock units are updated regularly from LS but between the updates I would like the local stock unit value to be kept up to date with sales on the site.

If I am understanding the code correctly then I all I should have to make sure is happening on OrderComplete is make sure the orderline.OrderLineUnitId is set to the correct unit.
-Which I have confirmed by checking the completed orders orderline field in the database.
And that the Site has the Ecommerce Stock Location set to the correct stock location.


Am I missing something?





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