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Selling login subscriptions

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall


I asked about this some time ago, but at time there was no solution for this. But things change, so I am hoping some of you have a solution for how this could be done?


We want to sell logon acess to a website. So eg. when a costumer buys a subscription, they get created as a user in backend, where they can log on to extranet and get access to extranet restircted content. If the costumer buys a subscrtiption for a year, the costumer should aoutmatically be deactivated after a year has passed since the purchase.

If it could be possible to prolong the current subscription before it runs out, then that would be a very nice add on.


Is there any way of doing this in relatively standard Dynamicweb, or does someone have another solution for this?






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