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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Email Marketing - EmailMessaging:Message.DomainUrl is messed up

Email Marketing - EmailMessaging:Message.DomainUrl is messed up

Martin Nielsen

Hi DW,

I'm building a dynamic newsletter template, and i want to append the domainname to all my relative paths in the template.

According the the documentation here:
i should use the tag 'EmailMessaging:Message.DomainUrl' to get the URL that the user set via the Email Marketing module.

My problem with this tag is that when rendered in a non-email campaign, it's value is !!Placeholder!! which breaks all my image elements.


In my newslettertemplate i have my logo:

<img src="<!--@EmailMessaging:Message.DomainUrl-->/images/newsletter/logo.jpg">

When im building and previeing my newsletter it's convertet to:

<img src="!!Placeholder!!/images/newsletter/logo.jpg">

When i send out my email campaign it's rendered as:

<img src="http://domain.tld/images/newsletter/logo.jpg">

Having a placeholder value for user related data is okay (Tags like EmailMessaging:Recipient.Name and EmailMessaging:Recipient.Email), but for EmailMessaging:Message.DomainUrl and other tags, we just need the correct value in all renderings.

This bug is present in version

I guess i can workaround it with @If's but i really don't want to :-)







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