


Returns the list of folders within a folder set via the module paragraph settings.


Depends on option 'Show subfolders' of the module paragraph settings.


Basic usage

Notice the use of @item.GetValue to get data from the loop variable.
If you just write @GetValue, the data will be taken from outside the loop. Similarly, you have to use @item.GetLoop to use loops inside a loop.

<table> <tr> @foreach (LoopItem item in GetLoop("FilesLoop") { <td> @item.GetValue("Relevant.Tag") </td> } </tr> </table>

Check if the loop exists

@if (Loops.Contains("FilesLoop")) { ... }

Example of usage
The following general example illustrates how to use a loop construct.

<table> <!--@LoopStart(FilesLoop)--> <tr> <td><!--@Loop:Tag--></td> </tr> <!--LoopEnd(FilesLoop)--> </table>

Check if the loop exists

<!--@If LoopDefined(FilesLoop)--> ... <!--@EndIf(FilesLoop)-->

Available tags