
Version: - string  


Returns a validator ID.


The value is generated automatically.


Dynamicweb provides an Avalara address validation provider that is used to validate US addresses when using the Avalara tax provider. 
The Avalara address validation provider needs to be enabled in Management center - eCommerce settings - Orders - Address validation in order to render the validation errors.

The InformationAddressValidation.html template that placed in the File Manager in \Templates\eCom7\CartV2\Step contains an example code for address validation.


Outputting the template tag


Check if tag has a value

@if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetString("Ecom:Order.AddressValidator.ValidatorId"))) { @* Tag has value, so let's do something useful here. *@ }

Assign tag to a value for later use

@{ string storedTag = GetString("Ecom:Order.AddressValidator.ValidatorId"); }

Outputting the template tag


Check if string has a value

<!--@If Defined(@Ecom:Order.AddressValidator.ValidatorId)--> Let's output this tag here: <strong><!--@Ecom:Order.AddressValidator.ValidatorId--></strong> <!--@EndIf(@Ecom:Order.AddressValidator.ValidatorId)-->