Version: - stringSummary
Returns the token for the list that is used for the public URL.
The value is generated automatically.
This tag can be used for the list marked as default.
Outputting the template tag
Check if tag has a value
@if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.DefaultList.PublishedId"))) {
@* Tag has value, so let's do something useful here. *@
Assign tag to a value for later use
string storedTag = GetString("Ecom:CustomerCenter.DefaultList.PublishedId");
Outputting the template tag
Check if string has a value
<!--@If Defined(@Ecom:CustomerCenter.DefaultList.PublishedId)-->
Let's output this tag here: <strong><!--@Ecom:CustomerCenter.DefaultList.PublishedId--></strong>