
Version: - string  


Returns the type of the item field in page properties, e.g. File, Text.


The value is based on the Type field in the field settings for the website item field.

(Management center - System - Item fields - Item field - Field - Field settings - Type)


Outputting the template tag


Check if tag has a value

@if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetString("Item.Page.Field.Type"))) { @* Tag has value, so let's do something useful here. *@ }

Assign tag to a value for later use

@{ string storedTag = GetString("Item.Page.Field.Type"); }

Outputting the template tag


Check if string has a value

<!--@If Defined(@Item.Page.Field.Type)--> Let's output this tag here: <strong><!--@Item.Page.Field.Type--></strong> <!--@EndIf(@Item.Page.Field.Type)-->