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Swift Email concept

Dan Gheorghe


I am using the new Swift Email concept of creating email templates, and I am facing a rendering issue in the Outlook email client installed on my PC, which does not look good (many of styles are missing). In the browser, if I access my account via Microsoft Office 365 Outlook, it seems ok.

What is the solution to this problem?


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Dan

We know there are some issues on mail rendering on Swift 2 due to the new colorschemes. Just this week we are testing on Email on Acid - see below. 

These issues are currently being resolved and released to Github as they are done.

Dan Gheorghe

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you for your answer. Do you have an estimated date when these changes will be available on Github?



Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen

We have synced the latest changes to Github:

The emails has not been finally tested, so you can still expect some required changes.


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