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Pageupdater moves content

Andreas Rundgren


Im trying to use the pageupdater from swift with a querypublisher app, so when i search i would like to update the table list and not the whole page.

My action goes to my page where only the query app is on. It has this as template: Designs/Swift/Swift_PageClean.cshtml
<form action="/default.aspx?id=7826" id="InvoiceTabForm" data-layout-template="Swift_PageCleanNoLayout.cshtml" data-response-target-element="invoice-section" onsubmit="event.preventDefault(); swift.PageUpdater.Update(event)" data-preloader="inline">

The target-element is my query app template:


But it moves my content to the right when i press enter in my search field and post to the form.:


How can i make it not move to the right? It seems that it adds a lot of html stuff.




Karsten Thuen Dynamicweb Employee
Karsten Thuen

Hi Andreas

I would guess that you are probably loading an element with a grid class, into another element with a grid class. Maybe having a cleaner target div will solve your issue:

<div id="invoice-section">
    <div class="grid grid-1">

Best regards
Karsten Thuen


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