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Transfer permissions to impersonated user

Caro De Weze


How do I ensure that the permissions of a user in a certain group are taken over if you impersonate another user with that user?

Example: I have the group 'Nussbaumer vertegenwoordigers' containing the user 'Vertegenwoordiger test':

For this group I have set permissions so its users do not have access to the cart. I have set up with impersonation that 'Vertegenwoordiger test' can impersonate these two users:

When I now log in as a 'Representative' test and I impersonate the user Caro De Weze, I don't want the cart to be visible for this either. If I simply log in as Caro De Weze without impersonation, this must of course remain visible.
In my opinion I can add something like this in Swift to the Swift_ImpersonationBar.cshtml template. Can someone get me started?

Kind regards,
Caro De Weze


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


cause of the issue per the your case - unable to use impersonator for permissions on DW10 now (it's OK with appropriate settings in Settings-CP-Users on DW9). So, the issue is now under discussion, final results can be provided here later. Sorry for enconvience.

BR, Oleg QA 


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