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Product Thumbnail Images in Swift

Dynamicweb Employee
Phyu Phyu Soe

Dear Support,

Please advice, is there any way to show the product thumbnail at the left side of the product main image in Swift?
I used the Ecommerce Column called "Product Detail Media" but the thumbnails can display only at the bottom of the main image, and couldn't find any setting for it.

It would be great if you could suggest a way to workaround ASAP.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Thank You!
Kind Regards,
Phyu Phyu Soe.



Suzi Louring


Jennifer Johansen Dynamicweb Employee
Jennifer Johansen

Hi Phyu Phyu Soe and Suzi 

Thank you for your feature request , i have created #10079.
But it is not yet prioritized

Best regards


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