Are you planning on adding support for the upcomming Consent Mode V2 from Google?
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Consent Mode V2 (Google)
Yes, we are looking into it.
We are looking at Google Chromes kill 3rd party cookie feature as well and will handle both of these in one go if needed and if we can.
We have also talked about enabling the bypassing of our cookiebanner and use external cookie banners injected with GTM and then leave the responsibility to that party.
BR Nicolai
Thanks Nicolai. Do you have a timeline for when you are ready? March is not far away :)
This is devops#17270 - the task is in test.
Is this a "Swift-thing" or something for the platform?
Regards / Aki
Hi Aki
It is a Swift thing.
It is a change in master and cookie template - using consent defaults and updates
Master template change:
Changes in the cookie template:
How should this be handled for those still on Rapido?
Hi Alexander
You would have to re-implement or adjust the gtm code on your installation - it is fairly simple. We do not provide code updates for Rapido anymore...
BR Nicolai
Hi Nicolai,
Does the new V2 change handle also send the following variables to GTM?
If not, where is the best place to wire these variables?
Thank you,
Nevermind. I have figured it out.
It can be added here:
Thank you,
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