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Order details pdf
When downloading a pdf with the order details, the file is named OrderDetails.pdf and not OrderId.pdf Isn't the latter a better naming so that it is more intuitive for the customer? ...
Fabio Monte
18/02/2020 14:48:32
Last post: 18/02/2020 15:29:37
Country should be on it's own line
Hi We noticed that the country is displayed on the same line as the ZIP, city and state in the order detail as per screen dump ( It's correctly on its own line in the order confirmation email) Can we have it formatted the same way across templates? ...
Fabio Monte
17/02/2020 15:36:12
Last post: 20/03/2020 08:15:55
User email and phone in order confirmation
Hello We noticed two things that may need a change in the order confirmation email: - The user email information is a different color than the other information. Can it be the same color for consistency? - The 2nd issue is that both the email and the ...
Fabio Monte
17/02/2020 15:08:00
Last post: 14/04/2020 17:10:33
Open ratio
We review open ratio and other highlights of sent emails in the tab Marketing > E-mail marketing. My question is if the open ratio also includes emails that are opened within the preview mode of for example an outlook provider (so not double click ...
Danique Pos
12/02/2020 16:40:34
Last post: 17/02/2020 16:23:15
SkipRenderBlocksList doesn't render Design
Hi, My expectation when using SkipRenderBlocksList is that it won't render the sub blocks of my block. As the documentation says: /// Use this if you want to render the sub Blocks in your own template However, I found, that it also stops the Design f ...
Mafalda Correa
12/02/2020 16:31:03
Last post: 25/05/2020 13:22:25
FR: currency + delivery country, not currency + language
I have a feature request that I hope you would seriously concider: A shop owner has an international market with many different currencies. Some of the delivery countries share currency. For example: Delivery country Norway->currency NOK (language ...
Siv-Renate Hansen
12/02/2020 09:22:17
Last post: 17/02/2020 11:58:40
Order confirmation email shows indication to visit My Orders when order was placed by anonymous user
Hello again...reporting another bug This might be redudant for anonymous users. When placing an order as this user type, in the order confirmation email a message shows an indication to visit My Orders as seen in the screen dump. ...
Fabio Monte
12/02/2020 00:45:33
Last post: 17/02/2020 16:45:32
Checkout without selecting a shipping method
Hello When at checkout, we can complete an order without selecting a shipping method as shown in screen dump. Shouldn't it be required, the same way a payment method is? ...
Fabio Monte
12/02/2020 00:24:41
Last post: 18/02/2020 14:44:32
Order templates date format
The order date formats across related templates do not have the same consistency. For example: - The receipt order date format is 10 Feb 2020 07:38 - The email order confirmation is 2/10/2020 7:38:51 AM - The order date in the orders list is 10/02/20 ...
Fabio Monte
10/02/2020 13:48:33
Last post: 26/03/2020 20:46:02
Display asterisk for required fields in forms
Hello In the Contact Us form for Rapido 3.2 ( here: ) , there are no indicators to tell the user which fields are required. Although for this form the Name, Email and Question fields are set as required, the user  ...
Fabio Monte
10/02/2020 12:48:17
Last post: 01/04/2020 08:02:28
Product list downloads
Hi, We have a customer that want their users to be able to create and download their own product lists. Is there any functionality in DW/Rapido that can be utilized e.g. printable papers, or what would be your recommended approach? Maybe add a downlo ...
Anders W
10/02/2020 09:39:39
Last post: 10/03/2020 09:45:03
Related articles of a blog
Hi, In Rapido, how do you configure the "Related articles" of a blog article? For instance, the articles of the Rapido blog "Dynamic-blogs" display some related articles in the frontend. Where do you set those related articles? Are the related articl ...
Tomas Gomez
04/02/2020 12:36:32
Last post: 07/04/2020 05:53:42
Remember me on Sign in form doesn't work
Hello We noticed a bug regarding the Remember me checkbox on the Sign-In form, where closing all browsers and going to the page back again, forces the user to log in again. Here's a screencast to repro the problem: ...
Fabio Monte
24/01/2020 16:07:44
Last post: 24/01/2020 16:20:42
Filter orders by all impersonated users
Hello We would like to filter orders by primary users who impersonated a secondary user. For example, User A, User B and User C completed orders on behalf of Company A and we would like to have a dropdown of those users to filter by. Is there a param ...
Fabio Monte
17/01/2020 19:57:53
Last post: 20/01/2020 13:23:59
Small issue with deserializing in productlist
Hey. Just a small something I noticed, in the product list (fx ViewGrid.cshtml) - names containing symbols like ' are currently not being deserialized. (easily fixed by changing {{name}} to {{{name}}}. ...
Claus Kølbæk
13/01/2020 09:34:38
Last post: 21/01/2020 07:48:18
Maps app
Hi all! I setup maps app on one of pages. It displays map but there is no data about locations even thou I selected Users group with geo locations data which should be used. I use this same group for selection of delivery location in cart and it work ...
Ivan Marijanović
10/01/2020 16:29:19
Last post: 29/12/2020 14:49:18
Wrong block ID name in Shipping.cshtml (DW 9.7.4)
Hello all In the Shipping.cshtml template, the shipping methods body block has an incorrect ID name of "BillingAddressBody" instead of "ShippingMethodsBody". The same is true for the header which instead of being named "ShippingMethodHeader", it is n ...
Fabio Monte
23/12/2019 15:53:19
Last post: 10/01/2020 13:02:44
QuoteDetails.cshtml includes wrong Custom__Blocks.cshtml
Hi, I noticed there seems to be a small error in the QuoteDetails template, which is including the OrderDetails custom blocks instead of the QuoteDetails. ...
Mafalda Correa
19/12/2019 11:20:08
Last post: 10/01/2020 06:13:29
Search - submit when only 1 result
Hi there DW support. We have an issue with a rapido 2.0 soloution, who uses the Rapido 3.0 JS files. The search wont submit when there is only one search result, this results in that the user needs to click the dropdown link generated by the handleba ...
Mikkel Hornbech Nielsen
18/12/2019 15:04:32
Last post: 19/12/2019 10:42:37
Azure AD SSO
Hi guys, Is it possible to setup AD SSO pointing to Azure AD? I've taken a look at the documentation but looks like it only support on-prem AD. Thanks, Terri ...
Terri Donahue
16/12/2019 19:56:20
Last post: 07/02/2023 16:09:24