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Checkout UX - Billing and shipping address
In Rapido 3.4 the user have to enter both billing and shipping address.. Please consider one of these options UX guidelines (case A): Let user enter a billing address. Have a checkbox "Shipping address same as billing". UX guidelines (case B): Let us ...
Kim Søjborg Pedersen
27/08/2020 08:53:25
Last post: 17/11/2020 16:21:15
Font Preview Not Working
Hi All, Inside of the Font Family edit screen, I can see the name of the font stylized accordingly but the Lorem Ipsum text below each font name is not. I flipped through multiple pages and searched for "hand" to see if any of those fonts work but th ...
Richard D. Lee
26/08/2020 19:12:47
Last post: 28/08/2020 10:53:45
Using an image to create brand colors - not working in Chrome
Hi All, I noticed recently that I am unable to easily change the brand colors by uploading an image containing them. This appears only in Chrome but works properly in Firefox. Richard ...
Richard D. Lee
20/08/2020 18:54:37
Last post: 26/08/2020 19:47:50
Adding order context to "Add to cart" button
Hi I want to add different order context to the "Add to cart" button for individual products in the productlist. How can that be accomplished? ...
Lars Larsen
17/08/2020 11:33:03
Last post: 19/08/2020 08:34:36
Adding to a Index
Hi DW. I have a index that I have build with the inbuilt indexing Module ( I have one for my users, and one for a custom entity that I have created. For my custom entity, the index build triggers ev ...
Daniel Hollmann
04/08/2020 20:00:05
Last post: 06/08/2020 09:07:40
Rapido 3.4 Bug on Cart Page Shipping option selection
Bug on cart page shipping selection. i have 2 shipping methods configured by not appear too select. also shipping amount not display in the cart page ...
Shiwanka Chathuranga
29/07/2020 20:30:47
Last post: 04/08/2020 12:08:50
Handlebars events after rendering template
Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to fire javascript after a hadlebars template is rendered. Example: I have a handlebars-root like this. <div class="js-handlebars-root" id="VariantsListRoot" data-template="FamilyProductsContainer" data-json-f ...
Aki Ruuskanen
29/07/2020 09:15:45
Last post: 29/07/2020 09:39:26
Image Component Background Color bug
Hi, I was trying to use the Background Color property on the image component, but the Background parameter would render empty if I didn't set anything and would fully disappear if I tried to set a color. I dug into the code and found that the validat ...
Mafalda Correa
24/07/2020 10:37:57
Last post: 27/07/2020 06:15:39
Rapido 3.4 webinar
Hi, Is there any link to the Rapido 3.4 webinar? I missed it becaus I was on vacation and the link to the wetransfer download is no longer available. Regards / Aki ...
Aki Ruuskanen
13/07/2020 11:06:31
Last post: 03/08/2020 14:17:18
Saved Cards show up regardless of Payment method
Hi, We normally have multiple payment methods (PO order + Credit Card) and the normal Rapido templates render the saved cards regardless of the selected shipping method. It would be nice if that dropdown/block would only be rendered if the selected p ...
Nuno Aguiar
09/07/2020 19:20:33
Last post: 25/08/2020 14:41:41
Promotion header - missing button and header?
I've activated the promotion header in a product group. The text and the promotion image is displaying fine, but the button and heading is not. gylling in the cloud. Is this a rapido error or something I didn't do? Rapido 3.3 and DW 9.8.8 ...
Siv Hansen
09/07/2020 12:11:14
Last post: 28/08/2020 08:13:57
Css class from nowhere?
In a project, I'm configuring colors using the website settings and Rapido. I have nowhere that I can see where the color f7f7f7 is present, however, it still gives me a light gray background color. Where is this color setting? It is on every page, s ...
Siv Hansen
06/07/2020 11:52:31
Last post: 07/07/2020 08:57:39
Display of responsive menu
Hi, The Rapido responsive menu on a mobile is not displayed properly. We detected that some menu options are overlapped. This happens only with some configurations, while other configurations work ok. In the video, you can see that the horizontal lay ...
Tomas Gomez
01/07/2020 11:14:43
Last post: 16/07/2020 06:43:39
Bug in groups filter
Thanks for the solution about product groups filter in Rapido latest. Now I've found a bug. On this site, I activated the group filter, and when I use the menu to t ...
Siv Hansen
26/06/2020 08:55:51
Last post: 04/08/2020 11:19:54
Feature request: easy configuration of typefaces, font size and line-height
I am now configuring typefaces in Dw 3.3, and have to do the same configuration (at least) 13 times. It is extremely rare that you have 13 different typefaces in a single website, so I would like to suggest a different approach to this: You define he ...
Siv Hansen
04/06/2020 15:40:20
Last post: 15/06/2020 15:47:35
Urgent need for ability to add headings
i've mentioned it before, but this is a huge flaw in the visual editor: How to create headings without having to edit source code. Is this planned in 3.3.2 (or in 3.3.1)? 3) I appreciate the upgrade of the text editor, but I would like to have the op ...
Siv Hansen
04/06/2020 12:45:45
Last post: 04/06/2020 13:09:37
"news" in new editor
Hi In earlier versions of rapido, there has been this Dynamic article item type, to publish news, blogposts etc. I cannot find a wiget in the visual editor to support display dynamic articles. Is there a documentation site I don't know about? I've be ...
Siv Hansen
04/06/2020 12:26:14
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Invalid voucher code also displays other error messages
Hello We have an order discount available for a specific shipping method but when entering an invalid voucher code, it also triggers the message that it's only valid for that shipping. When a voucher is invalid, shouldn't it only say it's invalid and ...
Fabio Monte
29/05/2020 17:14:11
Last post: 29/05/2020 17:33:08
Hi, We are about to take over a excisting website for a customer. Because some of the excisting pages get new URL's we need to redirect the old URL's to the new ones. Is there an easy way to redirect several URL's to another in one time? Best regards ...
Gerard Kocks
27/05/2020 09:52:58
Last post: 27/05/2020 10:27:59
Carts throw error in the backend
Hi Using DW 9.8.6, Rapido 3.2, we are seeing an exception when entering a cart in the backend. Here's a screencast to repro the issue: It doesn't seem to happen in every cart but something might be off, can you ...
Fabio Monte
20/05/2020 14:06:56
Last post: 27/05/2020 15:13:20