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Remove images with Asset Checkin
Hello, Is the functionality for Digital Asset Checkin also supposed to remove files (detach) that are no longer on disk? I would like to change the folder structure for a large part of images. I succeeded in changing the scheduled tasks and new image ...
Justin Sjouw
17/11/2021 10:06:37
Last post: 04/10/2022 15:36:16
Asset category - Auto checkin - Undocumented feature or simple coincidence?
Hello forum, - I have spend some time playing around with a pattern for images and especially how set the primary image (DW9.13.8), because I almost convinced a customer that there should be a 'prefix' on the primary image, if we should use t ...
Michael Knudsen
22/09/2022 23:49:37
Last post: 30/09/2022 11:17:30
Possible to use Concat fields in PIM feeds?
Hello forum, - I have a custom field (DWcompositionMaterial) using the field ConcatProvider, which combines the product material composition (both text fields, listbox fields and static text). Currently running a DW9.13.4 (almost latest version) and  ...
Michael Knudsen
21/04/2022 21:53:18
Last post: 29/09/2022 22:39:25
PIM feeds - GroupPaths
Hello forum, - we are using 'GroupPaths' in one of our feeds, but how do we include the Group Number in the output? We have Id + Name, which is fine, but we are missing Group Number. On some grouppaths are a <Sorting> present, but that& ...
Michael Knudsen
12/08/2022 16:29:50
Last post: 29/09/2022 22:35:22
Problem with PIM export
Our customer reports inability to export all products from the PIM, only the 1000 products on the first page. The option to include all products in list cannot be checked. (See pimExport attachment) We reproed the same issue in their environment. The ...
Sean Meade
28/09/2022 23:05:20
Last post: 29/09/2022 15:19:22
Null reference when opening a product
Hi, I have a bit of an issue where a null reference is thrown when opening a product in PIM. Looking into the database, i have not found something obvious that was missing, so I'm a bit lost as to what I could look for next. Is there anyone that  ...
Nicklas Vilster
28/09/2022 15:58:20
Last post: 28/09/2022 17:56:35
Manufacturer and CustomFieldTypes in ExportToExcel
Hi guys, I have a couple of questions related to the Export to Excel functionality from PIM. The first one is related to Manufacturers. I have noticed that all Select fields are generated in Excel as a list of values while Manufacturer (although tech ...
Adrian Ursu
30/07/2022 14:23:52
Last post: 31/08/2022 13:05:55
Default image when using absolute URL
Hi guys, I have a solution running on DW 9.13.8. I have recently changed the paths to products images from relative to absolute (pointing to a CDN). After the change, the default image is no longer displayed in back-end in product list and product de ...
Adrian Ursu
20/07/2022 14:30:44
Last post: 31/08/2022 13:05:26
Product category fields and restore
Hi, I'm using DW 9.13.8 and having a product category field of type "List" (RadiobuttonList), and set as "Ordinary". The list has no default values set and whenever I click the icon "Restore" in PIM, the selected val ...
Kurt Moskjær Andersen
24/08/2022 11:10:22
Last post: 26/08/2022 14:54:37
Repository Query and PIM shared query
Hi I'm trying to auto assign products in PIM groups, but before checking some Shared queries When I try to create simple query search by product name with Contains and System.String[], looks like smth doesn't work, or smth missing All pim pro ...
Andrejs Zavorotnijs
22/08/2022 11:07:33
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Export of "price lists" on through PIM
Hi, We have a customer that would like to export a pricelist every month to some of their own customers, since they have different speciel prices on some products and variants. They would like the possibility to only select these products/variants on ...
Eva Sommer
16/08/2022 13:17:37
Last post: 22/08/2022 09:01:57
Find products which have a primary product group?
Hello forum, - I'm trying to build a query, that should find all products which have one of it's product groups set to primary, but is that possible? Screenshot below shows this product have a primary group selected: Br. Michael Knudsen ...
Michael Knudsen
16/11/2021 12:02:35
Last post: 17/08/2022 09:18:27
Setting default image YSOD
Hi, Using 9.13.6, we're trying to assign a default image manualy to a product and we're getting an exception (YSOD). I am attaching the image, a link to the screencast for the repro steps and the stack trace. What's odd, is that we've ...
Nuno Aguiar
13/05/2022 23:39:40
Last post: 16/08/2022 12:00:49
Cannot have multiple items selected in a DropDownList
Hi guys, I have a solution running on DW 9.13.5. I have noticed that if I set the option to run index on product save on multiple warehouses, I get this error: Should I be allowed to set this option on multiple Warehouses? Are there any limitations?  ...
Adrian Ursu
09/08/2022 15:54:02
Last post: 15/08/2022 11:05:30
Using Custom Field type in PIM
Hi guys, I have a Project where we had to create a new FieldType provider for handling MultiSelect fields as the default one in DW is not very easy to use with large lists. The new field works pretty well, except for how it is handled in various plac ...
Adrian Ursu
12/08/2022 13:58:04
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Detach all images from all variants
Hi we have an issue, where the product variants have a lot more images than the masterproduct. My guess is, that this is caused by the image auto assign import that we have used initially. And then the editor has deleted images from the master produc ...
Hans Ravnsfjall
12/08/2022 12:25:21
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Assortments inside PIM
Hi, Is there a way to manage Assortments without going into Ecommerce? Best Regards, Nuno Aguiar ...
Nuno Aguiar
09/08/2022 20:18:11
Last post: 10/08/2022 10:15:59
Cannot access a closed file
Another PIM error I have no idea about: Anybody has any idea? Thank you, Adrian ...
Adrian Ursu
02/08/2022 14:49:12
Last post: 05/08/2022 00:42:13
Image pattern
Hello, We have a project which is starting to use the PIM quite heavily, but the image naming pattern doesn't work within subfolders consistently. In particular, what I'm noticing is that the setting to "Search in subfolders" doesn& ...
Scott Forsyth
01/08/2022 23:54:47
Last post: 02/08/2022 18:40:54
Import Error
Hello, I am receiving the following error when importing into PIM. Can someone please elaborate as to what this error means how I can adjust my file to get it to import. Job Failed with the following message: Unable to cast object of type 'System ...
Angelo Aviles
25/07/2022 20:37:33
Last post: 25/07/2022 21:20:21