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Forum » Integration » Unselect index repository update items when using Dynamicweb provider

Unselect index repository update items when using Dynamicweb provider

Espen Strømsnes

I'm not able to unselect the update of index repositories in a data integration import job.

I'm using the Dynamicweb Provider. Initially I selected that one of the index repositories should be updated when the import was done, but now I need to unselect the previously select option.

It's not a big deal, as I can create a new import job without any index repositories selected, but it would be nice if you could unselect items on an existing job.



Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Espen,
you can uncheck the item in the list by pressing "CTRL" + "Left Mouse Button" click on the selected item.
Regards, Dmitrij

Espen Strømsnes

Aaah, of course....

Thanks for the quick reply Dmitriy.



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