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Forum » Integration » Render eCom nav based on the costumers AX product range

Render eCom nav based on the costumers AX product range

Rune Skovbo

Hi people

Hoping for some input and some ideas about the AX selections / product range feature :-)

The problem is as follows:

The shop contains both bike related product and agriculture related products.

Some costumers only have bike products in the selections from AX, some only have agriculturel products, and some have both.

What i wat to achieve is that only relevant eCom groups are rendered or showed.

So if a customer only have access to the bike products - no product groups related to agriculture are shown.

This seams like a pretty big "issue" with the AX selections system, as multiple empty groups will be shown to the customer if this is not handled.


Hope you can help :-)





Anders Ebdrup

Hi Rune


Have you found a way to solve this problem??


Best regards, Anders

Rune Skovbo

Hi Anders


Im afraid not.

Not an easy one at least.

The only option we came up with was to have an intirely new product provider built.


Still strange why this is not built to work out of the box though.




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