My problem is that I can't get the import job to remove all categories from a product...
<Item ItemNo="10210" ShopID="SHOP1" LanguageCode="LANG2" VariantCode="" Description="Product is described here" Description2="" Unit="S" UnitPrice="0.00" Inventory="85.00" ExtendedDescription="tekst fra feltet ExtendDescription udlæst fra Ax" AXDispQty="10" AXTestFieldProduct="Test produkt">
<Price Currency="EUR">0.00</Price>
<Price Currency="SEK">0.00</Price>
<Category No="41" />
If I then remove
<Category No="41" />
I would expect that it was removed from the product during import... but it's not. Updating it works fine however.
Anyone ever faced this issue before or knows how to troubleshoot it?