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Multiple instances of live integration add-in

Johan Ulff


Is it possible to create more than one instance of the ERP Live integration Add-In?

Our customer has 2 BC instances for different countries with different webservices so we need to create another live integration. 

Or should we use the other version instead, version 5.0.5?


Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Johan,

the recommended way is to use the DynamicwebLiveIntegration Add-in (5.0.5). So you can create a several instances of it where each can be connected to a separate shop
and different ERP.
If you still support a custom or an old one ERP live integration add-in then you need to recompile it with a changes shown in this thread
and put another live integration dll into site bin folder.
Another way to use the ERP live integration add-in: you can consider the Endpoint option to be set for multiple Urls used inside it, 
see the last answer on the metioned forum thread above from Lars for how to set it.

There is also a newer version of the DynamicwebLiveIntegration add-in 6.0.2 available on nuget.
But if you would like to use the 6.0.2 version then you should also download the RibbonBars package and put both last version dlls from that packages into your bin folder.
The differences between the versions is that 6.* is converted to a .Net standard and contains a bug fix regarding viewing customer center pdf order when there are
several instances configured for separate shops.

Kind reagards, Dmitrij

Johan Ulff

Thanks Dmitrij! Another question, when we are enabling live integration we can se a huge difference in response times when browsing for products in the web shop. What can we do to minimize the impact of having the live integration active? We are not using live integration for orders and no logging are active.

Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk
This post has been marked as an answer

You can change the option:
Product information cache level
To Session

Votes for this answer: 1


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