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Max Ecom import products

Peter Bille Larsen


It says in the doc that one should be careful of "The eCom Provider uses more memory than the Dynamicweb Provider, so the import may be limited in size, depending on the memory available to the server. ".

So I was wondering, how many is to many products? 1000, 5000 + ? How do we measure the use of memory, before the import times out?

ie. Standard server 2GB RAM.



Morten Snedker

Hi Peter,

The Dynamicweb Provider is explicit in its mapping, as it maps on the key columns of the destination. For example EcomProducts will map on ProductID+ProductLanguagID+ProductVariantID.


When using Ecom Provider (with its build in logic) it will TRY to map on those columns, if failing it will followingly try on ProductNumber and ProductName (in that order). To be able to perform the comparison, the extra information has to be available.So this is loaded into memory.


If we say that EcomProducts has an average character length of


- ProductID: 8
- LanguageID: 5
- VariantID: 0
- ProductNumber 8
- ProductName: 20

then the Dynamicweb Provider will for 10,000 products load 10,000 x (8+5+0) = 130,000 bytes.


The Ecom Provider will load 10,000 x (8+5+0+8+20) = 410,000 bytes.


I hope this helps - otherwise we're here! :)


Peter Bille Larsen


Hi Morten


Can you explain the use of "key mapping" for me?

If I import products with DW provider, can I map with ProductID as key column? as long as ProductID+ProductLanguagID+ProductVariantID is present?

is that minimum of present data for DW provider for an Ecom import? (ID, Num, Name, Stock....? )

Do I HAVE to have the dynamicweb productNum present in DW provider?



Morten Snedker

"Yes" to your first question.


The minimum amount of required information is always the primary key of the destination.


So, if you want to update a product price using the Dynamicweb Provider, it should receive at least

ProductID, LanguageID, VariantID, ProductPrice


So the answer to your last question is "no".


Regards /Snedker



Peter Bille Larsen

Great :-)

So when I create the product using the DW provider is should be:
ProductID, ProductNum (could be same as ID), LanguageID, VariantID, ProductPrice, ProductName and so on..


A simple day to day update:
ProductID, LanguageID, VariantID, ProductPrice

the ProdNum which was the problem with the API-Import-approach is not a problem here I guess, because the ProdNum and ProdID can be the exact same without problems? (was a problem with scripting depending on product number)

thanks for the answers :-)



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