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Main product productprice empty while variants filled

Tom Kamphuis


We're trying to upload a productsheet containing various variants per product. The main product always has an empty price field but the importer seems to fail when importing the main product (it says something like cannot cast '' to double). Is this expected? Is there a way to make the main product invisible on the front-end (webshop) while showing the variants?



Morten Snedker

Hi Tom,

Somewhere in your source file you have a value where a value of type double is expected, but where it has a value that cannot be parsed as a double. 

  1. Could you show a screendump of the output info from the log?
  2. Which version of Dynamicweb are you running?

Have you tried importing just one row, to see if that fails?



Tom Kamphuis

Hi Morten,

I've made a quickfix by inserting the lowest price for the main product therefore we can't send the screen, we're running version 

So if I understand correctly, the importer checks all the values in a specific column and then decides that the values should be parsed as a double? Because the first record in the file is a main product, which doesn't contain a price at all.

The file looks a little like:

ProductID ProductVariantID ProductPrice
PROD123 yellow.20x30 24.99
PROD123 red.20x30 39,99


Thanks for your help!

Morten Snedker
This post has been marked as an answer

Good you found you way around. But you're correct on your conclustion: empty doesn't cut it. If zero, it should contain a 0. But setting to lowest price will remove the error as well - just a value that can be parsed as double.

Regard /Snedker

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