When importing from CSV or Excel to EcomProducts via EcomProvider the Custom fields defined af List types are populated correct in the EcomProducts table.
However the different values found, are not added to EcomFieldOption and EcomFieldOptionTranslate tables as expected.
As this fails, the List fields are left blank when displayed on products in PIM.
We would expect the two tables to be populated with one entry for each occurence of different values found during the import..
How can we make that happen ?
Importing directly to the EComFieldOpstion works with the Dynamicweb Provider.
However this leaves the EcomFieldOptionTranslate tables empty until listiing and saving the List on the Customfield
And by the way, when deleting af value in the list thru admin, deletes the entryn in EcomFieldOption correctly. But the associated entry in EcomFieldOptionTranslate is not deleted.