Hi, I’m trying to import product and prices all in one go.
My CSV file has a layout like this: ProdID;ProdName;Deb1Price;Deb2Price
I have tried using both the Ecom and DynamicWeb providers, but same result.
I try to do the import in one Job, by reusing the my Source table 3 times:
Source Destination
product.csv EcomProducts
product.csv EcomPrices
prodcts.csv EcomPrices
My first mapping to the products works fine, but the rest of the mappings only imports the first price?
SourceColoum DestinationColoum
prodID PriceProductID
Deb1Prce PriceAmount
none PriceCustomerGroupID = Constant with the value of my UserGroup eg. 268
none PriceCurrency = Constant ‘DKK’
Second transformation to EcomPrices, is done in the same way but with a different constant for the GroupID.
Regards Nicolai