Hi guys,
I have some data containing double underscores (__) as follows: ProductID, ProductCategoryId, ProductCategoryFieldId, GroupId.
I am trying to export and import this data into DW. Most of the data can be imported correctly but I get some weird ForeignKey conflict message when trying to import CategoryId into EcomGroups and also when trying to import data in ProductCategoryFieldValue. The error is thrown when trying to move data from temporary table to the destination tables
The import in EcomProductCategory,EcomProductCategoryField and EcomProducts works pretty well but the import for EcomGroups and ProductCategoryFieldValue fails.
I have checked the TempTable created during the DataIntegration job and the data looks very well. I am not aware of any hard restrictions when using double underscores but I may be very wrong.
Does anybody know any reason why I get these Foreign key violation messages?
Thank you,