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Exporting products

Justin Sjouw Dynamicweb Employee
Justin Sjouw


For the purpose of sharing some product information from DW with a partner looking to transform that data into GS1 format, I am trying to export all products from a demo environment.

I have already set the database timeout to 900 (and recycled the AppPool with the ReleaseRing trick), but the export to excel job fails after 30 seconds with a timeout 

It is not a huge amount of product data, so I should be able to export it all at once?


Rasmus Sanggaard Dynamicweb Employee
Rasmus Sanggaard

Hi Justin,

I think I found the right job on your solution using ecom to excel provider. It seems you are using a very very old version of the providers and haven't updated them. Could you try that?


BR  Rasmus Sanggaard


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