I'm using the DynamicwebProvider to import different discount rules. I have some questions:
- What is the best practice to import the translations of the rules in the EcomDiscountTranslations table? I want to avoid needing to export the rule id's out of DW to import it again as a key.
- In the EcomDiscount table the DiscountProductsAndGroups header defines which products trigger the rule. When adding variants you'll see the master sku and it's variant id's are used: "[some][p:GCN 08,VO5][p:GCN 08,VO6][p:GCN 08,VO4]". I want to avoid working with the variant-id's generated by DW. Is the rule stable when using the variant's own sku? In this case creating: "[some][p:GCN 08,][p:GCN 09,][p:GCN 10,]"
- Are there any more best practices I should know about? This project will import and use a lot of Discount rules