Posted on 19/05/2014 15:50:14
Hi George,
Yes, it should be possible to have a main product, and then followingly add just variants.
I don't know if this clarifies anything, but:
With reference to my screendump in previous answer: EcomProducts has a composite key composed by
- ProductID
- ProductLanguageID
- ProductVariantID
Still with reference to my screendump: let's say you import via CSV and you have these two lines (ProductID,LanguageID;VariantID;Price):
then the result would be that
- PROD4/VO1 would have its price UPDATED to 10.
- PROD4/VO5 would be CREATED and have its price set to 20 (since there is no row with this ProductVariantID).
Bottom-line: a product is matched on ProductID+ProductLanguageID+ProductVariantID. If this composite key is NOT matched, a new row will be added.
Does this answer your question? Or is just that you don't understand why your query (combining products/variants in your source) works, but running them separately does not work...and you think that's weird? :-)
Regards /Snedker