I created a custom BatchIntegrationScheduledTaskAddin, but i kept disappearing when I saved it. It seems that the code is looking for some hardcoded names, when displaying the collection of tasks.
Found in ScheduledTasks_cpl.aspx.vb:
Dim IntegrationFrameworkBatchTasks() As String = {"ImportPerfionImagesAddIn", "ADImportDataAddIn", "ExportDataAddin", "ImportDataAddIn", "ImportDataCustomRequestAddIn"} For Each tsk As Task In tasks.Where(Function(task) If(IsIntegretionFrameworkBanchLocation, IntegrationFrameworkBatchTasks.Any(Function(name) task.Assembly.Contains(name)), True))
So, if I name my custom addin something else, the task won't be displayed in the administration.
Dynamicweb 9.3.x
Best regards
Mikkell Ulstrup