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Forum » Integration » Add Multi broken in LI 7?

Add Multi broken in LI 7?

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

We've upgraded a solution to 19.15.2 which includes the latest LI version 7 which is causing issues. I analyzed 4 scenarios from which 1 (#4 below) is causing issues:

1. LI 6 Add to cart - Works
Standard scenario, posting to the server like this.

2. LI 6 AddMulti - Works
Using AddMulti (from quick buy). Posts to the server like this:

3. LI 7 Add to cart - Works
Standard scenario, posting to the server the same was as LI 6,

4. LI 7 AddMulti - Does NOT work
Posts to the server in the same was as LI 6. However, in this scenario, the order price is zero and all I see is the shipping fee. In the database I see the following, confirming that it's a model / backend issue and not template related or so:

I compared the XML requests and responses for all scenarios and they are pretty much identical except for the order line IDs in the addmulti scenario that now contain DW_NEWMULTIORDERLINEID__1

Some observations:

1. Tested it on which works and which doesn't.

2. As soon as I upload the V6 DLLs things work and a soon as I upload V7 it breaks.

Any ideas? I compared the source code for both but have yet to find a code difference that explains this behavior.

Happy to supply more info if/when needed.






Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Imar,
I can not get it reproduced so maybe I miss some setup/etc. Could you share your solution url?
Maybe it somehow connected with the discounts/shippings, can you try without them (maybe connected with options when ERP controls discounts/shipping calculations)?
BR, Dmitrij

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Thanks Dmitrij, I have sent you the URLs by email.

Let me know if you need an anything else like a site backup.



Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

This is getting a bit more urgent now. I thought I could use LI 6 for the time being, but it seems that the "Send queued orders" task doesn't work with the LI 6 assemblies anymore. Since I need that task to send recurring orders I am now stuck between creating invalid orders or not sending my orders to the ERP :-( Help?


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Following up on this: turned out it wasn't related to addmulti. The LI code wasn't updating prices correctly under all circumstances. Dmitrij created a new version of the LI package that solved it for us.



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