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Forum » Feature requests » tree stucture stylesheet

tree stucture stylesheet




We sometimes have to create a lot of stylesheets to accomodate client's need, changing only a thing or two.


What if we could create child stylesheets, like a subpage, that when leaving the option blank ("nothing selected") it would get the parent's value, otherwise, would get it's own?


What do the rest of you guys think?


Best Regards,




Stylesheet is one of the most complex modules in Dynamicweb, so it's very sensitive to changes. Over the next couple of releases there'll be some changes in the way we handle layout, but I'm not sure that this feature will be considered.


When you create a new stylesheet, you can make it a copy of an existing stylesheet, and then it will inherit the original's settings. Modify the settings you need, and you'll have the end result of what you're requesting.


Hi Lars,


Yes of course, but sometimes it is necessary to go back, and perform changes. I know we would benefit a lot from that feature here in Portugal.


If we could at least rename stylesheets and sort them, so clients don't get so confused, would be of great help, especcially when dealing with a lot of languages and areas.


Best Regards,
