Developer forum

Forum » Feature requests » templatelist=true



I use a lot of the description Dynamicweb places at the end of the HTML to confirm page ID, page and master template. My suggestion is an add-on

Would be easier if placing something like templatelist=true in the URL would complement those comments with a list of the paragraph ID and paths to the active templates on the page.

I believe this would help debuging (for customer support and site development), having a quick list of what's being rendered.



Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
Hi Nuno

That is a great idea.

Planning to introduce a debugging mode for the frontend with 8.0 that will give all sorts of information - including this one.

Thanks for the input.
Hi Nicolai,

You're welcome. Always here to help make Dynamicweb the definition of CMS, not simply the best :P