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Forum » Feature requests » Smart search
Tue Beck

Hi all!

Can I only search through information from the user DB ?

I'm trying to create a smartsearch that selects all eCom customer contactinformation, regardsless if they are not subscribers to the newsletter or regular users. I.e. the search would have to run trough the eCom order DB and select customer contact information instead of running thourgh the user DB.

With that information I would be able to contact every who bought a product in 2014 (or something like that)

It seems that that is not possilble at the present - I'm only able to search in the user DB - and it only contains regular users and newsletter subscribtions

Can that really be the case? That would limit the usefuless of smartsearch to extranet and e-mailmarketing...

I hope someone can help me :-)





Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Tue

Yes, that is the case. Sending out emails to users who has not opted in does sounds like something that is not totally inline with legislation - at least a 'grey' area. Using the SQL Firehos you could copy order information to user database.

In the checkout flow, you can have the user created in user database and marked for newsletter - in that way you collect users when they checkout.

BR Nicolai

Tue Beck

No no - No grey area here! :-)

I'm allowed the contat people who bought something in the shop "§ 6, stk. 2, er en undtagelse til stk. 1. Erhvervsdrivende kan sende reklame for deres egne - tilsvarende - produkter ved brug af elektronisk post til kunder, der i forbindelse med en tidligere handel med den erhvervsdrivende har oplyst deres elektroniske adresse."

Can I get that information via smart search? - without SQL etc - My client would like to be able to do this them selfs

And would I be able to send them an e-mail if I could get the data? - Since the "Allow contact via email" boolean is false (since they didn't actively sign up)

BR Tue




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Tue

Well, I'm not a legal counselor, but still, it is not a 'just do it' thing - it has to be 'similar products', "ehandels mærket" have demands, §1 issues, ethics etc.

Nonetheless, Smart searches and email marketing works only with user data and that flag.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Tue Beck

I agree - and you have go give the customer the possiblity to say NO the that way of contact also.

Thanks for clearing up the matter - I'll forward the "sad" news to my client :-)
