Developer forum

Forum » Feature requests » ShowBlocks

I would like to request that under "Editor Configuration" the feature "ShowBlocks" would be possible to enable or disable.

It is a feature in the FCKeditor that shows an outline around block-elements such as p, h1-h6, blockquote etc.

When our customers complains that there content looks wrong on there web-site, it is often because of bad syntax, such as wrong use of elements or wrong nested elements.

As it is now our customers have to click "View Source" to get an idea of how the HTML-content is structured. This frustrate and scares some of our customers.

With this feature "ShowBlocks" they can easily see the content structure directly in the editor, without seeing HTML-code.

I really hope that you consider enabling this feature.


Hey Martin, long time, i was wondering if you have triede styling the items in the dw stylesheet and see if it comes in the editor, i think i remember something about styling in the dw stylesheet reflects in the editor. im not 100% sure though :)