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Forum » Feature requests » Redirect, option to open in a new window

Redirect, option to open in a new window


Hi all,


Am I the only one who often find myself in need of a option to open a menu-item in a new window? It's mostly an issue when the menu-item in question isn't pointing towards an internal link, but rather an external URL.


How about perhaps a checkbox, which (when selected) inserts a target="_blank" in the code?







I also would see this as a good feature. We often use javascipt to overlap this but with the standard DW dropdown menus, it's impossible.


Best Regards,


Anders Engelbøl


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen

Hi Anders

In new versions of Dynamicweb, you can create an item to extend the page properties. Create an item, give it a property to set target or a checkbox to indicate that it should open in a new window. The property will be available in the navigation XML and can be added to the navigation markup.

BR Nicolai