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Forum » Feature requests » Possibility to add typographies

Possibility to add typographies

Since the editor already is able to read your stylesheet, wouldn't it be nice if you were able to add your own typographies through your css-file?

I.e. you could have a syntax like this.

h1.myheading {
@DwTypographyName = "My heading";
@DwTypographyTag = "h1";


In this example I have tried to create a tag-structure for defining typography name and tag. You could say that, if there is no @DwTypographyName defined, the rule should not be seen as a "FCKeditor typography", and if no @DwTypographyTag is set, the editor should automatically use a div.

This could be a really nice addition to a great template engine, and would make it extremely easy for end users to use special typographies on their sites.


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
You can do that already.

In /Files/System/Style.xml you can add your own typographies. See the documentation here:

Great, thanks for the quick reply.

But still - if you get bored some day - it could still be a cool feature if you could define these styles in your layout.
 Is it possible to disable some of the standard typographies? Thinking of h1.h1, h2.h2 etc.