I would love it if you removed the pagination on translations in 8.5.
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,
Sten Hougaard
E: sho@1stweb.dk
I would love it if you removed the pagination on translations in 8.5.
Med venlig hilsen/Best regards,
Sten Hougaard
E: sho@1stweb.dk
Or make it optional; Results per page: dropdown with 10,20,50,100,all
Hi Steen and Nuno,
I have sent the feauture request to the product management that decide what to implement and prioritize the features.
"The results per page" is used on our other lists and is a good suggestion.
Kind regards,
The feature is now accepted and planned for 8.6.1.
The list will be limited to 1000 instead.