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Forum » Feature requests » Navigate pages when using "List sub pages"

Navigate pages when using "List sub pages"

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have a project where we have a pretty deep structure of pages and because of that, we have used the "List sub pages" option.

Everything seems pretty fine so far except for the navigation back to the previous level.

When you navigate to a subpage, you have no way of going back to the previous level and you have to start all over again. Not very usable.

A button to go back one level or a clickable Breadcrumb should do the trick.

I hope that it makes sense.

Thank you,



Nicolai Pedersen

Not sure I follow. Talking backend I presume? When I have a list

And navigate to one of the pages:

I can just click cancel or in the tree and go back:

Sure I misunderstand something?

Thanks, Nicolai


Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Sorry for the ambiguity, it is indeed about the back-end.

Try a scenario with a few levels of lists and a default view of "Paagraphs", not "Page" on the page

Even in the "Page" mode, "Cancel" is not a clear option that you will be redirected to the previous level.

Thank you,
